A Local Comprehensive Planning Committee (LCPC) is currently being established to steer the development of the Local Comprehensive Plan and the process in accordance with the framework defined within the Final Local Comprehensive Plan Committee Memorandum.  

The purpose of the LCPC is to better facilitate and communicate the planning process, and engage the greater community in the planning effort. The Committee shall unify Barnstable’s villages around a publicly-developed, consensus-based, comprehensive plan for future growth, development, and resource protection. 

During Phase I, the LCPC will implement a robust civic engagement program, to identify the community’s challenges and opportunities, and shape a community vision statement. Draft products crafted by the LCPC will be public accessibly from this webpage for review and comment as efforts progress. 

During Phase II, the LCPC will bring forward the findings of Phase I’s community engagement to develop a strategic comprehensive plan for achieving the community’s vision to guide the Town’s future efforts and resource allocation. 

Upon its completion, the LCPC shall submit the final draft Local Comprehensive Plan to Town Council for its consideration and adoption of the Plan.

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